Welcome back readers, for this newest blog post I have decided to explore a more serious topic that i feel is really important in
the world that we are living in today. The title is no laughing matter and the subjects of this title are kids killing kids, babies
having babies and parents not performing their parental duties.
The times are are changing faster than we realize, gone are the days of innocent teenagers just having fun and enjoying life
and replaced with news paper headlines about teenagers killing other teenagers.

Where did this whole new phase start? and when does it end?

and who's responsible for so many young kids being killed at young ages and being sent to jail at very young ages before their
lives even get the chance to begin?

Do we blame the parents for not teaching their kids the right and wrongs and installing that fear of jail into their kids? do we
blame rap music for encouraging these kids that you can get a record deal if you do so and so crime and go to jail for so and so
amount of time? or do we blame the school system for not teaching and encouraging these kids at a early ages that life has
a lot to offer them when they get older?
The only people that are to blame are us as a community! where are all the mentors? the big brothers and sisters who need
to be around these teenagers at young ages to teach them show them the examples of things that they are to expect later on
in life. I myself can go back to the days when i was a teenager (it seem so long ago) we weren't out in the streets trying to
rob and kill people, all us teenagers wanted to do was go the the hottest parties and meet some girls (just as girls wanted to
meet guys) play ball go to 42nd on Friday and Saturday nights and enjoy the teenage life. some where with the increase of
gangs, the parental neglect as well as the loss of mentors and positive influence the teenage life that all or most of us have
once known no longer exists.
Has anyone besides my self noticed a new growing trend these days? allow me to spell it out for in this picture

young girls ages 15 and up having baby at very young ages. I was walking down my block one day when i noticed a teenage
girl whom i figure couldn't have been no more than 16 maybe 17 the most pushing a little boy in a stroller, at first i simply
payed the the girl no mind until i got in the middle of my block and witnessed another teenage girl pushing a baby stroller
with a baby inside. At this point i begin to wonder what is this world coming to these days that these young girls all want to push
baby strollers at such young ages and where are they getting the concept for this idea? is it mainstream shows

or maybe its the media outlets that encourage these young girls to do away with their life and jump straight into women hood
and become mothers at very young ages.

what ever the answer to this mysterious case maybe its obvious of one thing, that neither parents or teachers are doing a good
job of promoting safe sex amongst these young girls.

As a teenager i recall plenty of times being in school and teachers as well as counselors promoting the strong sense of urgency
in safe sex one of the reasons was to prevent STDs which have become very common amongst teenagers these days as well
as prevent early pregnancy which is what is happening now. Once again we as a community are failing not only our selves but also
today and tomorrows youth by not educating them on the important of life and the issues that they are facing today.
I know you all have heard about the 4 year old that was killed in Brooklyn New york on September 2nd 2010 after being tied
down in her crib by her mother

After witnessing this whole scene (and I do mean witnessing because this happened right next door from my house) I've come
to this conclusion that some people really don't need to have kids! the fact that this little innocent girl died the way that she did
just doesn't make any sense and have outraged people all over the world as well as the community.
Its incidents like this that make people wake up and realize whats going on around them, for instance if the child services
people where doing what they were supposed to this little girl would still be alive today at this very moment!
I've said all that i can say with out getting angry about this, here are some of the images i managed to take take from my
front window on the day of this accident

These issues that I've discussed are no laughing matter! and should be taken serious for what they are.
Leave your comments where ever you feel fit and please tell a friend to tell a friend to check out the blog post,until next time!