these heatwaves. But enough about The Weather, Welcome Back Readers to my New Season of
"TheUnbelieveableworldofJayLight" and for my new readers I welcome you as well and everyone please feel free to leave a
comment when your done reading I would love to read your feed back. Now with that said lets get into the topic things that
make you say "Wow! really?!"

Lets start of with this Lindsay Lohan fiasco,

This girl and her issues has bothered me the whole summer for some reason and here is why. Not only does this girl get
arrested numerous times on countless charges such as drug possession, car accidents etc..
Somehow she's always managed to avoid jail time, she skips mandatory court ordered rehab
(if she was in New York she would not be allowed to skip any program!) But when she finally does go to court for all of these
numerous charges she only gets 90 days?! and cries

like the judge just handed her 3 to 5 years. But then the story gets worse! not only does she get to leave court that very same
day (if she was black she would have been remanded right there on the spot tears and all) But then the word comes out that
she'll only serve 20 days because of the over crowded jails in Los Angeles

Really?! only 20 days?! . Then she finally goes to jail and only serves 14 days in jail and 23 days in the rehab program out of
the 90 days and is allowed to return home for out patient treatment.

There is something seriously wrong with the Los Angeles court system! one thing is for sure you will almost never hear about
a New Yorker being sentence to 90 days in jail and will only serve 14 days because Rikers island

was over crowded.
And here we have another celebrity who's always on the news for something that's not important other than a arrest

We all know this girls story rich socialite who get paid to party
(who would pay this girl to party is something even I don't understand) however recently this party girl was arrested in
Las vegas for of all things drugs. It was said that cops followed a strong scent of marijuana to her truck and when she reached
into her purse a bag of coke

just so happens to fall out of her purse

Really?! and the response that she gives the cops "Oh its not my purse i borrowed it from a friend"

Really?! you reader should already know what happen after that

But its what happens after the arrest thats just dumbfounded. She's taken to the station, finger printed, photo and then
released with out bail

There is something seriously wrong with the court system on the West Coast. How many of you readers have ever had a
really bad day at work and felt like cursing everybody out? now sure the idea sounds good when you think about it but at the
end of the day its always just a idea right? well not for this guy

We've all heard the story how ticked off he became at a passenger on a plane that he....well you already know what happens
after that and if your like me reader you probably didnt believe it the first time you heard about it either. While I cant blame the
guy for being ticked off, because all or most of us have days when we have to deal with unruly customers or coworkers.
I will say this what kind of idiot opens up a airplane door while the plane is moving and slides down the emergency shoot with
his carry on luggage and beer? sounds like a script out of a Bruce Willis movie!

So it was no surprise when the police arrested this guy at his home.

Because lets be for real this is not a hollywood movie and we are not living in Los Angeles (where everything is run backwards)
if you commit a crime like this in New york you will be arrested and prosecuted to the full extent of the law, however this
guy is such a hero to some people that he gets offered his own T.V show?!

Really?! .
For my final discussion I was going to talk about recent fair hike proposal from transit

I think I'll just say this

Really?! Really?! transit?! .
I was reading something inside of a magazine recently that I found interesting and before I knew it my imagination sort of
started to get carried away. Companies are about to start making tougher drug testing policies in the future, no longer will
a person be able to use the flush drug, pickle or cranberry juice to flush the drugs out of their system because companies are
taking the testing a bit further

"We want your stool sample in here! we don't care how you do it, just get it in there!"

Until next time reader! tell a friend to tell a friend! Leave your comments!