Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Even Friendship can hurt!

Have you ever awaken one day and realized that you have little to few friends that you hang out with, that happened to me the

other morning and after thinking this thought over for a few days in which i went through the very short list of people that i

consider friends, I've come to the conclusion that i seem to not be a friendship type of person

(you know one of those people that can't seem to keep a close friend rather by choice or not). And what i did next was the

same thing that many of you readers would have done i went on a deleting spree on my Facebook.

I went from over 700 so-called friends down to a simple 200

(I really couldn't figure out how i half those people from the start) but then i did stop there i went through my blackberry

And also went on a deleting spree(with any exception to family members). It as simple as this Readers people will come into

your life, some will come and go while other will stay and leave their marks, while this is a good way to put it even the ones

that stay and leave their marks become a headache after a while!

Everybody wants to be a friend but very little know how to be. A friendship is just as delicate as a relationship is just as

there's 50-50 in a relationship the same rule applies when it comes to friendship. If you can be there for a friend in a time or

need rather it be as a shoulder to lean on, drama with other friends as well as family and even a confidant, it's only

fair that this person should also be there for you in the same situations. if at some point you feel that you are giving more

to a friendship than you are receiving back then its time to cut ties, just like a break up even friendship can hurt!

While i cant speak for other people, I will say that I've experienced these same situations most recently in fact. while I can be

friends to some people i can only be a friend to a person who can be a friend in return. With that said i hope you enjoyed

reading my two newest blog post (the one under this is also brand new) leave your comments or feed back where ever u feel

free and i apologize for the lack of visual for this post!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, that's definitely true. Sometimes you find that a friendship may not have been meant to be. Even though that can sting, we learn from these situations, it helps to shape us up as we go further on in life.
