This was a time before cellphones even hit the market before computer became a must have appliance in daily life,
communication was kept to a simple form you either used a phone at home

or in some cases if you were out in the streets and needed to connect wit some one some 25 cents did the trick on this
thing (does anybody remember using these things?)

But then something happened, the explosion of technology! and the world as we knew changed for ever. With the invention of
the first cellphone

To this day i cant figure out how people used to walk around with this large ass remote control looking phone.
As years would pass by new forms of communication would evolve with the invention of the the online media, we would
witness a change of communication that would shape the world as we know it.
The WWW. era would be sprung upon us and websites such as Myspace, Facebook, Twitter

And my favorite new edition to the communication pool is text messenger but one particular one is the Black Berry
Messenger which if not used correctly can become addictive.

With all of these new forms of communication we have to ask our self's are we doing too much? really why do i have to have a facebook, myspace, twittter, BBM?
Is it all just too much just to keep up with people on a regular basis?
And the answer (in my opinion) Yes! it is all too much, so why do we do it then if its all too much?
The answer is simple...it's addictive!
With all of these forms of communication, i can only wonder what awaits us in the future.
follow me on the twitter/Jaylight4real (see even im sucked into it!)