Wednesday, April 7, 2010

how the times have changed

On april 23rd i will be attending my 9 year high school reunion, some times i find it hard to believe that its been 9 years since i was in High School. i think back to those years when i was a teenager and life seem so free flowing, no bills to pay no worries about anything except when the next party is.

I've seen so much happen before my eyes in those 9 years I've watched so many people and friends come and go in my life and I've watched my self grow physically as well as mentally (if only i knew the things then that i know now)

while i wasn't Mr popular in high school i was well known for my in class outburst as well as my involvement in various clubs
sometimes i wish i could have done more than i actually did, but hey we cant turn back the hands of time right?

however i am looking forward to seeing many of my old high school classmates that i have and haven't been able to keep up with on twitter or face book

I wonder if i'll see that damn girl that broke my damn heart my sophomore year? the same year and moment that i discoverd my passion for writing.

With that said I hope you readers enjoy my blog of thought ideas and humor

hit me on the twitter/Djjaylight

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