college around this time of the year. So with that said I want to thank each and every one of you for the feed back that you've
given me on my blog post as well as the support that you've shown me, and with that said its time to get down to business!
Movie theaters as we know it are changing dramatically by what seems like the day. So you thinking about going out on a
date or just going out with some friends to check out the newest blockbuster staring (insert name here) be prepared to dig
After standing on the long lines inside the lobbies that include everything from crying ass babies, teenagers, old people, pan
handlers and occasional drunk people,

you make it to the ticket window and as for two tickets, now depending on the the type of movie that your trying to see
(either Imax or not) your about empty half of your wallet

Now its like this if your going to see a regular movie, single ticket your looking at $13.50 and if your on a date your looking
at $27.00 damn dollars now really who they think want to pay that damn much for a movie ticket?! really? but then its gets
worse. lets say you want to see a movie in IMAX, now I haven't been to any IMAX theaters yet just for the simple fact I am not
looking forward to paying 14.50 and in some special cases $16.00 damn dollars for one movie tickets and don't let me get
Started on the price for two IMAX tickets.
So with that said me move onto the the over priced concession stand and I do mean over priced concession stand the
pictures speak for themselves

and this is just the popcorn and the fountain drinks, we haven't even looked at the over priced candy and bottle water.
So I'll say this the smart thing to do in this situation is sneak your snacks in! and why not? it saves you extra money
and the time and hassle of dealing with long lines.
So Now we move on to my next topic of discussion, IMAX and 3D movie

While this may sound like a good edition to the newest way to watch a movie along with the invention to the Bluray
(whoever invented that needs a Nobel peace prize A.S.A.P) Why does everything have to be in 3D? seriously!

What am I gonna get blood on my face from the movie prop? is Shrek gonna jump out at me? really?!

And why does the volume have to be so damn loud? can you imagine if this IMAX thing was around, when
movies such as Die Hard, Lethal weapon, Terminators and the Matrix's were out in theaters? Do you have any idea how def
and hearing impaired some of us would be by now? Not only do we get to leave the theater with severe migraine headaches
but we also get to leave with loss of hearing also (your thinking it, I'm just saying it).
And now to my final topic of discussion, some body should really tell Hollywood that they are about to destroy classic movies
from the 80's as we know it, take these two movies for example

We all know the plot, we all know the characters we've seen all of the sequels (some were good some were bad) and we all
well maybe some of us own the entire collection on DVD. So why does Hollywood Keep trying to trash classic movies like
these? Just makes no sense for good movies to be remade into trash! that's right I said it TRASH! (your thinking it I'm saying it!)
So with that said somebody tell these people to STOP IT!!!! go trash up movies that we really don't care about like Free Willy.....
Oh wait they are remaking Free Willy! smh BlackBerry straight Face
Til Next time...Leave ya Comments on the page and please tell a friend to tell a friend!