feed back that you gave me on part 1, and now its time for part 2 just as i promised that I would.
Like I've been saying before the 80's are trying to make a come back with a vengeance! its the year 2010 and the world is
seeing various signs of things that occurred in the 80s making a reoccurring role in today's society, the different style of music
videos (check Rhianna rude boy video to any 80s pop video) to TV shows being turned into movies (see the A team movie)
we've recently been seeing fashion as I've been mentioned in part 1 being brought back, most recently the Mohawk.

This trend is sweeping the world every where these days, you've seen this on guys as well as girls, regular people

as well as celebrities.

While I'm not the type of person to bash people about their choice of fashion I will say this, when I was younger if you sat in
a barber chair and told him you wanted a Mohawk you were snapped on and laughed out of the chair and the shop
and to walk around in the street with this insane hair cut was just society suicide.
(in other words people laughed and pointed finger at you everywhere you went)
But I will say this, with all the fashions that we've seen come and go so far when are they bringing back
The shearling coats, flatops and Gumpy hair styles? ( do any of you young kids know about this?)

And with that said its time to move on to my next topic of discussion. In what was dubbed the worse trend of the 90s and is
still be used by today's youth, ladies and gentlemen the pants sagging trend.

While I'll admit as a youth and away from my moms I would sag my pants
( i made sure to pull them shits up before i got home) just to fit in with my classmates at the time, but then something
happened I grew up early and realized that i hated pulling up my damn pants every 2 damn minutes! from that point on I made
sure that I didn't leave the house with out a belt on, which brings me to todays youth, pull ya damn pants up young man!
we don't wanna see your boxers and in some cases nasty ass!!
If you've never been witness to this trend then obviously you've been living under a rock for god knows how long? here's a
little chart of this whole pants sagging trend.

From the sagging trend a offspring was born in what may be the secound or third (depending on how you rate it) worse trend
of America, known as the tight jean era aka Skinny jeans.

I think this trend might have started with the rock stars who some how inspired future rappers (insert name here) who in
turn inspired todays youth, now I dont know about about some of you but as a person of a certain age I like my pants to
fit on my ass right, not tight, not baggie but just right! besides as a guy I walk around with too much in my pockets to wear
skinny jeans (keys, wallet, phone...).
Not only has this trend become a must wear fashion in todays society
(i dont think any man of a certain age should be following this by the way) but it has some how linked back with its
predecessor of the past the saggin pants trend, so as it stands in todays society
Skinny Jeans + sagging = this

I can go on forever on what's wrong with this picture but I can't so I'll simply say it like this, I'll be glad when this trend is
Now with that said its time to move on to my last topic of discussion ACG and Polo boots

I'll admit I am not a fan of either of these thing, not only do they both cost too damn much
(unless u can afford them and pay your phone bill in the same month) but they are simply just ugly! plain and simple as that
these thing look like hiking boots! but yet people of different ages are wearing them and I just won't ....unless im going
hiking in the woods..lol
With that said leave ya comments on the page dont be a stranger!
Til next time
you are a fool. very good thoughts, your mother.
ReplyDeletei like the fact that u metion the skinny jean. they are only suppose to be for gurls but in today's world u never kno. ur thoughts were extremely good look forward ro reading some more of your writing.
ReplyDeletekeep up the gud work.
The sagging jeans is just NOT a good look. When will people finally realize that? And the fro-hawk thing is just really get old now. It works for some people but I'm tired of seeing that lol.
ReplyDeleteU dont know what u tlking bout.
ReplyDeletei hattttte that mohawk. niggas be looking dumb childish