I don't write things to bash people I simply just write things that i witness in the ever changing world that we live in, and for
my new readers be sure to check out my past writings just to catch up and please everybody leave your comments on the
page, I love to hear your feed back.
Now to start This new blog, this will be part one of a two part blog, as you can see from the title there are somethings that
need to be discussed, how about we start off with this thing called butt cleavage that is constantly displayed in our faces

Sure we all like a nice female ass rather they be small, large, medium or in some cases apple bottom but who gave the green
light for the whole butt cleavage style? and why is it that females (some not all) refuse to wear belts these days?
(I'll get to males issues in part 2 bare with me for now)

Now this is just my opinion and maybe some of you might agree with me on this, but what the point of not wearing a belt all
day when you know your going to be pulling sliding pants up all day?

how can a female get offended when she catches a guy looking at her butt cleavage? My answer is she cant because its her
fault in the first place if people are looking down at her butt cleavage. Wear a damn belt lady if you don't want that type of
attention to begin with. Butt cleavage in my opinion (you can either agree or don't) is a issue that should be tackled just like
pants sagging is, if the pants sagging era was too much this shirt says enough for butt cleavage.

so with that said it time to move on to my next topic, the lip ring.

Like many of you I too discovered this trend last summer when the young girls every where begin to wear them, just like
some of you I assumed that it meant that girls were turning into lesbians, but then again in this day and age who are we to
judge people? so with out starting any type of outrageous debate about this topic I'll keep it as PG as i can.
For a while now I've been trying to figure out what the symbol or secret to this lip ring trend , i mean it seems like
everybody and they momma and i do mean momma cause I've seen some mommas

wearing one these days, so what does this mean? well I'm a guy so I can only take a slight guess, i figure that its just a new
fashion trend that was picked up some where across seas
(cause that's where all the fashions trends seem to start, either there or in Harlem) and some how that trend found its way to
the United states.

And before we knew it everybody had them, both females and males
(I still cant figure out why any guy would want to have a ring over or under his lip to begin with)
while I'll admit this trend doesn't bother me as much as the butt cleavage trend I will say this, Why does a pretty girl think
she has to have all that damn metal on her face all at once? eyebrow, nose ring, double lip ring (side, top, bottom) and the
newest addition, the cheek rings....with all that metal on her face, she looks like a walking pin cushion!.
So now we move on to the next trend that seems to be the must have these days for females of all ages

That's right the half shaved head look, is it just me or does it seem like every girl in the world seen this girl with this hair cut
and all ran out at the same time to get it done? yeah i thought so, while I'll admit I've seen some good ones and some bad one
I've see short one and shorter ones (pause that),

But why does every girl need to have the punk rocker looks? what ever happend to being original? and why does your line
up gotta look better than mines?!
how ever as original as this style may seem, it too was done again, waaaaay back in the the 80s

If i didnt know any better I would think the 80s was trying to come back with a vengence! what do you think?
And for my last topic, This has to be the most hated trend around right now, the introduction of Uggs Boots aka space

I call these thing space boots because they look just like the boots that astronaunts wear in space, these boots can be seen
on the feet of women of all ages, lets be for real now, ya mother, my mother every female and they momma's have a pair of
these things. but what makes these the most hated trend you ask?
well lets see....they never take them off! women will wear these space lookin boots in all seasons and some if not all of us
have witnessed this, fall, spring, summer...

thats right i said summer and you know i'm not B.S ing you about this

What I don't understand and what many of you probably don't undertstand either, is what is the obession with these boots?
and why are women and girls wearing them in 90 degree weather? and in some cases the clubs too? while Im simply lost for
words on this topic (don't get used to these moments) I'll simply say this, there comes a time in a persons life when you have
to change it other words, change ya damn shoe once in a while! and stop wearing the same one in all seasons and
expect people not to say some thing, cause we all are looking at you,
some of us are laughing at you! there i said it its done.
Hope you all enjoy reading this edition of my blogg part 2 will be coming real soon, mean while leave ya comments and your
thought how else will i know if you read the blogg, tell a friends to tell a friend!
Follow me on twitter/JayLight4real
thanks every one for taking the time out to read my blog!
ReplyDeleteI agree with you on every topic!!!