We've all heard the main keys that makes a relationship successful trust, honesty and communication. It the year 2011 and for
some reason these keys seem to have either gotten lost or forgotten, for what ever reason what ever the case may be more and
more couples seem to be breaking up more now than ever. causes of break ups can stem from cheating spouses, physical or
mental abuse and in some cases paternity suits. I'll be the first to admit that it has been a while since I've been in a actual
relationship (and to be honest I sort of enjoy riding in the single lane) I've been a witness to numerous break ups over the years
some worse than others (I've even seen people cut up couches during a break up) however during these break ups rather I've
wanted to or not have become that friend that people to talk
(you know you got somethings on your mind and you just need somebody to listen, yeah that's me!).
Over the years I've learned that there are numerous reason why couples got through the dreaded
"going through it" faze before the initial break up, while I'm not going to sit here and give you every last one I'll make it easy for
you sort of like a cause and effect.
thinking that you can keep in contact with your former jump off or ex and not tell your current spouse, yeah that will
definitely lead to a argument either way its not going to work out, why you ask? simple your giving your current spouse the
assumption that you still have feeling or a emotional attachment to your former flame (trust me I've been there) you best bet
is to just let your former flame know that we can say hi every once and while and keep it casual and that's as far as it can go.
snooping through your spouse phone when he or she either are sleep or out of the room is a sure sign that you don't trust
the person and in some cases even spying on their emails, face book or twitter is just a complete invasion of privacy and is the
same as "if i use the bathroom, are you gonna stand over me too?" .
Stalking your spouse, well what can I say if you have that much time to follow people around obviously you have no life of your
And last but not least over possessive, calling to check up on your spouse every five minutes is just ridiculous! its called space!
a relationship needs that once in a while.
While there are many more examples I could go into, I'll simply say this. If your in a relationship with a person there should
be Space, Honesty and communication between the two, putting your relationship business out to friends and family doesn't
help a relationship it breaks it!
While I'm no professional expert I just thought I would share my thought and ideas on the subject, feel free to leave your
comments where ever you feel fit facebook, BBm, txt and please tell a friends to tell a friend about my blog!