Saturday, January 8, 2011

Back Again!!!!!!

Hello readers!!!!

I'm baaaaaaaaack!!! by popular demand if i must say. Its the year 2011 a brand new year which mean its time for a brand new

start however i must point out to some you that this is the year when the aliens come down to visit

yes that right just like the movie so don't act surprised when you see this giant space ship in the sky. I would also like to remind

some of you who aren't aware that also like the movie

The world is also about to end, key word of advise "what ever you haven't done by now, do it! cause you sure as hell aren't

going get to do it after 2012".

With that said I'm feeling like I'm back from a vacation Facebook is getting too PG and Twitter is like a virtual High School

(Like really how do people manage to get over 2000 or so damn followers!!??)

So with that all said it time to get back to what I do best rant and rave.

I'm not sure if many of you all know but CNN reports that a joint task force has reopened the case of slain rapper Brooklyn's

God The Notorious B.I.G whom was slain in L.A on March 9th 1997

This Comes after new evidence in the case was discovered. This is a good thing right now for all the Notorious B.I.G fans now

if only people can stop making up fake reports about Tupac killer being caught

and actually find out who really killed him. Speaking of dead musicians not really sure if any of you have been keeping up with

the Michael Jackson case

The damn doctor that killed Mike is going down, (its just too much to type about right now).

Speaking of Michael Jackson, being dead doesn't seem to stop the King of Pop from working at all his estate is almost worth

a good Billion, that right i said Billion! and if you haven't check out this album yet

make sure you get it for your collection. I've downloaded it and listened to it a few times and as a Michael jackson Fan I'm

going to keep it real, you get 4 good tracks out of it (and yes it really is him singing!). Not only does the man have an album out

but he also has a video game out too.

If you haven't played this game yet, let me warn you it is a serious work out! (sweated out my damn wife beater playing this


The experience of Dancing to Michael Jackson's video's is a experience that's worth having! And if your really a Michael Jackson

you would have downloaded those songs "Streetwalker" and "Sunset Driver" by now.

And now we move onto the world of hip hop (BlackBerry rolls eyes) Lil wayne gets out of Jail

And T.I dumb ass goes right back in!

Niki Minaj the annoying face making female rapper that she is

Has "so called" beef with Lil Kim

In what i was would describe as "Damn why you stealin my Style son?!"

And some body please tell foxy brown fat ass to either choose a side or shut up!

you havent had a hit since.....since....well damn does anybody remember when the last time she had a hit record?

And now we move on to Kanye West,

what can i say about this guy that hasnt already been said other than,

We dropped out!

We went back and registered late (that damn line was too long!)

It took us long enough hard partying weekends and all those damn papers we had to write but we did it! we graduated! took

pictures and all that

we were even depressed for a minute (gettin a job after college aint that damn easy!)

But what the Hell is this?!

Do we all have to be in a damn cult now?! with that said I'm done!

However before i wrap this session up P.diddy aka Puff Daddy has a group out called Diddy- Dirty Money

Can somebody please tell Total that they are wanted on the stage ASAP please!!!

And to wrap this up finally is it me or does it seem like young money just keeps growing?

With that said I'm done! til next time follow this Maniac on Twitter @JLghtDaDread


  1. Okay so this 2012 stuff, I'm not really sure what to make of it. All I can say is I really hope that the world won't end by then. I'm praying even!

    I did hear about Biggie's death investigation. It is such a shame that the murderer hasn't been found yet.

    I don't have the Michael Jackson Experience yet but when I own it, I'm going to go IN! Lol.

    Now with this 'Michael' album, I wasn't pressed on buying it. Michael, as we know, was a perfectionist when it came to his work so this would not have been released on his terms if he were still here.

    As for Dr. Murray...I won't even upset myself more than I already have been upset with that horrible man.

    Kanye has disappointed me with his latest album. But I won't judge him. I understand he's going through and has been going through a difficult time.

    I heard Foxy made a diss record at Lil Kim. Lol.

    And yes you are right about the young money camp extending heavily. It reminds me of G-Unit. Back when G-Unit was hot, it seemed like 50 was signing everyone lol.

  2. very well spoken jewel thanks for the suppoort!
