besides I've been trying to come up with a topic worth talking about, and then it hit me. Mother Nature is bi-polar ladies and
gentlemen! that's right when she's happy we get the heat, when she's mad we get rain and all types of cold weather.
However instead of going on and on about the different weather types we in NYC have been facing I've decided to just focus
on one the long summer of aggravation heat.

For those of you who don't know what Aggravation Heat is (aka nigga heat ;niggas do stupid shit, niggas don't know how to act)
Aggravation heat comes from the result of a very high intensity of heat, its a time when everything becomes aggravation, i
should know because I'm getting aggravated just sitting here writing this blog in my living room as my fan blows out hot air.

Walking to the store becomes aggravating, waiting for the train or the bus in the high intensity of heat is aggravating
people around you become aggravating and my favorite, every one of your sentences end with the phrase
"It's too hot for this shit!".
How ever there are cures for this aggravation heat syndrome, first thing you need to do
( if your like me your going to follow this too) get a damn air conditioner if you don't have one by now

Second thing get in some water or near it! there's no need to be hot and sticky

And last but not least get your self a slushy!!!!

Follow these cures and you won't find your self cursing people , punching people in the face, catching heat strokes.
Now on to my second topic of discussion and this topic has been all over my timeline on the twitter
Facial tattoo.

First of and for most who gave the green light to make getting a tattoo on your face a must have thing, was it this guy?

And if so, in the words of my cousin Taqiy, "who brought this guy to the party?!" lets seriously look at this growing trend
of a issue, all if not some of us has seen a person with a crazy looking tattoo on their face and we've all thought the same thing
or at least had a similar thought when examining this tattoo
"what would make a person get a tattoo on their damn face of all places?"

Now normally i would have some sort of answer to this thought, but with this topic i am just as confused as the rest of you
reading this, well maybe not too confused I've come to the conclusion that you are making some sort of bold statement
with a tattoo on your face, well more like a billboard on your face.

With that how crazy does a person have to be to get tattoos that look like this? (warning this will make your face turn up)

With that said LEAVE YOUR COMMENTS ON THE PAGE how else will i know if you read the blog? and be sure to check out my
other post if you haven't by now..til next time!
I like how you include pix in your blogs. That's a good look. The heat is aggravating indeed! But I love it all the same lol. As for the face tattoos, I'm at a loss. First of all, I can't even begin to imagine how painful it must to be to get one. And it's just not cute, at all. Not a good look what so ever. I really think some people are just abusing their face what with the cheek piercings, and now these tattoos. Good riddance.